Become a host family and house a Saber

by San Diego Sabers

The San Diego Sabers have opened registration for new host families in the northern area of San Diego County, California.

Families (Host Families) who open their homes and hearts to San Diego Sabers student-athletes play a vital role in the success of the San Diego Sabers both on and off the ice. Host families, also known as Billet Families, enable our student-athletes to pursue their dreams by providing them with a place to live and creating an environment they can thrive physically, academically, and emotionally. All that is required is a willingness to help a student-athlete by providing a home away from home.

A successful hosting and billeting experience is rewarding for both the Host Family and the student-athlete as you both form a unique connection that lasts a lifetime. Host Families and their student-athletes often stay in contact long after they finish playing. Any student-athlete who has played away from home will tell you that some of their fondest memories include their Host Families and vice versa! 

Click here to learn more and apply!